Dear diary...

semalam tgk diari lama..Yes ..sejak umur 12 thn i tulis diari..Sebab I boleh tgk/baca yg pnh jadi.. Comel masa tu, “Dear Diary “.i rasa bila tulis cam tu,mcm I luahkan kat seseorang..Then bila kawin I tak sempat , ada israfil lagi xsempat..Dalam diari I, ada satu poem yg I suka..There’s a poem I know about leading life..I lupa mana I jumpa..Bertahun-tahun dah..It’s called The Art of Living Well ‘ .. This is how it’s goes.

Live well. That is the art of living in a nut-shell.
Live as well as u can and as well as u know
How in all the spheres of life.
Live well in your mind,
think rich thoughts,be curious,be ‘ mentally' alive.!.
Live well with others.
Enjoy them, love people, try to help when u can and leave people alone when that seems best..
Live well physically.Take care of your body and health.
Live well culturally, with time for nature,painting,poem,poetry and music.
Live well spiritually.
Realize your oneness with the universe and with the infinite.
Two words say it all, in every way. “LIVE WELL”!

I always keep this poem in mind..selalu ..Mana-mana I pergi I rasa it really helps one to lead a truthful life without regretting a minute of it..Although it’s hard to follow everything it says but it helped me to keep things in mind. I do read a poem..Kadang-kadang I collect poem yg best…Tp tak banyak la.Ada satu lagi poem yang boleh bare in mind.Specially written to woman and it’s called “ WOMAN”.


Was created from the rib of man
Not from his head to top him
Neither from his feet to be walked upon!
She was made from his side
To be his equal
From beneath his arm
To be protected by him
From very near his heart
To be loved by ‘HIM’..

I also like this one..sangat special juga….

- never be replaced -