Virgin Coconut Oil (VPO)
I sebenarnya dah lama ada Virgin Cocunut Oil .Dapat dari my sister. Agak lama jugak la simpan.ada 2 botol.. Bukan tak mau pakai, yang mana kebaikan nya bermacam-macam, problem dia smell & taste dia..sangat tak sedap..Jadi semlam rajin belek-belek,i pun baca la kebaikan VPO ni.. So pagi tadi, try minum sesudu.rasanya...alamak hai..
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Virgin Coconut Oil for Everyday Life
Beautiful Skin and hair...a dream no more with Virgin Coconut Oil!
Supple, radiant, and blemish-free skin. Thick, glossy, and manageable hair. Think you need to spend a fortune to achieve eye-catching skin and hair? With virgin coconut oil, everybody has the right to be pretty!
Virgin coconut oil when applied topically is probably the best treat you can give to your body’s largest organ. You may not realize it but a lot of skin care products like creams and lotions do more harm than good as they are loaded with chemicals and cannot provide lasting benefits. Anti-wrinkle creams for example are mostly water. It expands the tissues of your skin which allows temporary elasticity and smoothness. Once the water evaporates, the wrinkles will return.
Virgin coconut oil is naturally healthy. The fatty acids present in virgin coconut oil like mcfa, lauric, capric, and caprylic are normal components of the skin and serve as a replacement for lost lipids in the skin barrier. It improves the skin condition, protects it from damage and heals skin diseases. Polynesian women are famous for their beautiful skin even though they work under the sun’s harmful rays for hours. Their secret? Coconut in their diet and coconut oil in their hair and body.
Good reasons to use virgin coconut oil:
Virgin coconut oil is the perfect moisturizer. -It can be used to soften dry and scaly skin which is often susceptible to infections. It also prevents unsightly pimples and can be used as lip balm.
Virgin coconut oil will keep your skin young-looking- It strengthens connective tissues so wrinkles and sagging of the skin is prevented. Dead cells on the outer surface of the skin are removed, making your skin glow.
Virgin coconut oil prevents the sun’s damaging effects. Its antioxidant properties will prevent skin from sagging and eliminate wrinkles. Age spots and skin cancer usually caused by the sun’s harmful rays is also avoided. Coconut oil is actually an ingredient of many suntan lotions.
Virgin coconut oil has antimicrobial properties.-It helps prevent bacterial and fungal infections. The MCFA’s when broken down into free fatty acids can kill disease-causing organisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Apply a small amount of virgin coconut oil and reapply it as often as necessary. The skin will not be able to absorb the oil if you apply too much oil at once as the skin becomes saturated.
In extremely dry skin, apply a generous amount then cover your skin loosely with plastic (it is advisable to use Tegaderm, a waterproof, self adhesive bandage). Do this every night before sleeping.
The best time to massage the oil on your skin is after taking a bath.
Virgin coconut oil is also great for the hair. Amanda George, a hairstylist from New York says, she massage two teaspoons of warm coconut oil (submerge the bottle of virgin coconut oil in warm water) on her hair before sleeping then rinse it in the morning. It also helps control dandruff
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Virgin Coconut Oil for Everyday Life
Beautiful Skin and hair...a dream no more with Virgin Coconut Oil!
Supple, radiant, and blemish-free skin. Thick, glossy, and manageable hair. Think you need to spend a fortune to achieve eye-catching skin and hair? With virgin coconut oil, everybody has the right to be pretty!
Virgin coconut oil when applied topically is probably the best treat you can give to your body’s largest organ. You may not realize it but a lot of skin care products like creams and lotions do more harm than good as they are loaded with chemicals and cannot provide lasting benefits. Anti-wrinkle creams for example are mostly water. It expands the tissues of your skin which allows temporary elasticity and smoothness. Once the water evaporates, the wrinkles will return.
Virgin coconut oil is naturally healthy. The fatty acids present in virgin coconut oil like mcfa, lauric, capric, and caprylic are normal components of the skin and serve as a replacement for lost lipids in the skin barrier. It improves the skin condition, protects it from damage and heals skin diseases. Polynesian women are famous for their beautiful skin even though they work under the sun’s harmful rays for hours. Their secret? Coconut in their diet and coconut oil in their hair and body.
Good reasons to use virgin coconut oil:
Virgin coconut oil is the perfect moisturizer. -It can be used to soften dry and scaly skin which is often susceptible to infections. It also prevents unsightly pimples and can be used as lip balm.
Virgin coconut oil will keep your skin young-looking- It strengthens connective tissues so wrinkles and sagging of the skin is prevented. Dead cells on the outer surface of the skin are removed, making your skin glow.
Virgin coconut oil prevents the sun’s damaging effects. Its antioxidant properties will prevent skin from sagging and eliminate wrinkles. Age spots and skin cancer usually caused by the sun’s harmful rays is also avoided. Coconut oil is actually an ingredient of many suntan lotions.
Virgin coconut oil has antimicrobial properties.-It helps prevent bacterial and fungal infections. The MCFA’s when broken down into free fatty acids can kill disease-causing organisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Apply a small amount of virgin coconut oil and reapply it as often as necessary. The skin will not be able to absorb the oil if you apply too much oil at once as the skin becomes saturated.
In extremely dry skin, apply a generous amount then cover your skin loosely with plastic (it is advisable to use Tegaderm, a waterproof, self adhesive bandage). Do this every night before sleeping.
The best time to massage the oil on your skin is after taking a bath.
Virgin coconut oil is also great for the hair. Amanda George, a hairstylist from New York says, she massage two teaspoons of warm coconut oil (submerge the bottle of virgin coconut oil in warm water) on her hair before sleeping then rinse it in the morning. It also helps control dandruff
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