Balik cuti
Cuti start 1.2.2011 - 5.2.2011.. Cuti Panjang..Means that my blog pn cuti..Masuk office hari ni, lengang je..Tau tadi baik amik EL je..penat wooo walau tak drive..
Bertolak dari kulim pukul 2.30pm..Guess what???..for the first time aku stuck , sampai rumah pukul 11.03 pm..Biasa Kulim-Selayang 4 jam je..Traffic sangat-sangat slow-moving. These included the south-bound lanes from Seberang Jaya to the Juru toll plaza in Penang, from Changkat Jering to Sungai Perak and from Ipoh to Sungkai in Perak... up-to-the-minute traffic updates by Hitz FM..
Luckly , my israfil well behaved… tido sepanjang jalan,.. Memang selalu macam tu.And the best part is…I can stayed & teman MA drive from Kulim –Selayang.. Congrats to my self..Before this, pantang start enjin, mata mesti padam.
Holiday kali ni memang holiday betol..nanti update lg… tapi penat jugak...
- never be replaced -
Bertolak dari kulim pukul 2.30pm..Guess what???..for the first time aku stuck , sampai rumah pukul 11.03 pm..Biasa Kulim-Selayang 4 jam je..Traffic sangat-sangat slow-moving. These included the south-bound lanes from Seberang Jaya to the Juru toll plaza in Penang, from Changkat Jering to Sungai Perak and from Ipoh to Sungkai in Perak... up-to-the-minute traffic updates by Hitz FM..
Luckly , my israfil well behaved… tido sepanjang jalan,.. Memang selalu macam tu.And the best part is…I can stayed & teman MA drive from Kulim –Selayang.. Congrats to my self..Before this, pantang start enjin, mata mesti padam.
Holiday kali ni memang holiday betol..nanti update lg… tapi penat jugak...
- never be replaced -