Israfil First Teeth!!!
My Israfil has been teething and one of his teeth dah tumbuh.Yang lain dah poking through like just a little white point.Haaa.Lambat kan..anyway, Ibu tak kisah pn..sebab kalau awal, for sure israfil nakal masa tgh susu...
Im pretty excited!...
Ibu sangat gembira Israfil tumbuh first tooth & hit new milestones :)
- never be replaced -
Im pretty excited!...
Ibu sangat gembira Israfil tumbuh first tooth & hit new milestones :)
NI GAMBAR YANG PALING MAHAL..Kena buat sampai nangis baru bukak mulut nmpk gigi.. macam-macam posisi ibu pusing sbb nak dapat gmbar gigi israfil..
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