Bajet 2011 - Skim Rumah Pertama
First time house buyers with a family income less than RM3K need not pay the 10% downpayment under the My First House Scheme (Skim Rumah Pertamaku) for houses priced below RM220K’ – source the Star
KERAJAAN akan memperkenalkan Skim Rumah Pertamaku melalui Cagamas Bhd (Cagamas) yang akan menawarkan jaminan kerajaan ke atas bayaran pendahuluan 10 peratus bagi harga rumah di bawah RM220,000.
Skim ini untuk pembeli rumah pertama yang berpendapatan isi rumah kurang RM3,000 sebulan. Dalam kata lain, pembeli rumah mendapat pinjaman 100 peratus tanpa perlu mengeluarkan 10 peratus wang pendahuluan seperti amalan lazim.
Pada masa sama, hanya pembeli rumah pertama juga akan diberi pengecualian duti setem 50 peratus ke atas surat cara pindah milik sebuah rumah berharga tidak melebihi RM350,000. Kerajaan juga mencadangkan pengecualian duti setem 50 peratus diberi ke atas surat cara perjanjian pinjaman bagi membiayai pembelian rumah pertama itu. Bagi golongan miskin dan berpendapatan rendah pula kerajaan menyediakan RM568 juta bagi membina 300 kediaman di bawah Projek Bantuan Perumahan Bandar, 79,000 unit di bawah Program Perumahan Rakyat dan 8,000 unit di bawah Projek Bantuan Sewa Rumah. Selain itu, bagi membantu golongan pekerja estet memiliki rumah, kerajaan akan menyediakan Skim Pembiayaan Perumahan Kos Rendah dengan peruntukan RM50 juta yang dikendalikan Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN).
Skim ini terbuka kepada pekerja tetap estet dan warga negara Malaysia untuk mendapatkan pinjaman perumahan maksimum RM60,000 bagi membeli rumah kos rendah pada kadar faedah maksimum empat peratus dengan tempoh pinjaman sehingga 40 tahun, menjangkau generasi kedua. Bagi memudahkan penjawat awam memiliki rumah kerajaan menggariskan tiga langkah penambahbaikan pada bajet ini. Langkah pertama ialah membenarkan pembelian hartanah daripada ibu, bapa, anak dan adik-beradik; menggandakan kadar pinjaman kepada RM20,000 berbanding RM10,000 untuk kerja tambahan rumah kos rendah bagi Kumpulan Sokongan Dua. Langkah ketiga, menaikkan had kelayakan maksimum pinjaman perumahan kepada RM450,000 berbanding RM360,000 pada masa kini. Semua langkah penambahbaikan pinjaman perumahan ini akan berkuat kuasa mulai 1 Januari 2011.
1. those who earn less than RM3,000 a month
My comment : apparently sesape gaji RM1,500 should now think of buying one but will they afford to buy one.. that’s a question.
My comment : apparently sesape gaji RM1,500 should now think of buying one but will they afford to buy one.. that’s a question.
2. Houses costing between RM100,000 and RM220,000 either completed properties or under construction.
My comment : Assessing based on kawasan bandar ok. Hardly to get a house , especially two storey terrace sold at the given range. In KL, if you have RM220,000.00 , u have no choice but to buy an apartment. Not one with the service , just an apartment. 3 rooms and 2 toilets at least with perhaps 800sqf.
3. Self-employed do not qualify to apply.
My comment : perhaps, they have done their studies and most important thing is, those who have payslips will be given a chance under this scheme. I am not sure why but I reckon this is something to do about the security la…
4. The monthly financing repayment sum must also be not more than one-third of the applicants’ monthly gross income.
My comment : assessing this if a husband is the breadwinner of the household. Kate la.. ok .. Katelaaa your gross income a month is err.. RM2500 after tolak tolak all EPF, Socso bla bla..hence, based on the point no 4. the total repayment sum shall not be exceeded than RM833. If you calculate based on the current BLR 6.3% and total repayment up to 30 years, approximately the ACTUAL total amount of loan that you ACTUALLY deserve is RM135,000 or less!! okay.. I am no expert in this stuff but IF my calculation is correct! why the hell they say those who earn less than RM3,000 can buy a RM220,000 house. I am afraid they have done their studies thoroughly.
5. However, this sum can go up to 50% of their income if additional credit is permitted under the banks’ underwriting policy.
My comment : they have house to be paid montly around RM1,500.00, car at least RM500. now RM500 left to eat, top up, pay bills etc. think about a husband singlehandedly controls the house. kesian kan
having said above, those who are keen to apply, should have sit and do the proper math. Seriously, orang akan cakap, okay you are young and should buy a house while the price is still okay, but that doesnt mean you cannot have proper plan especially in your financing. Working marrried couple might enjoy the benefit in which they can share who should pay wht and what.
Poisitive1. Menolong anak muda to get better place to stay. daripada renting a house, better buy the house. but still! you have to bare the costs of both loan and rent if your house is still under constuction kan
Negative1. Hutang Hutang Hutang – undeniably, no one can afford to buy a house cash. so its forgiven la in fact that’s our style of living in Malaysia2. More muflis and bankrap la!3. Harga rumah will definitely akan naik mendadak!
Kesimpulannya,me & MA decided nak apply house loan guna loan kerajaan. ..but within 10 years nanti, our 2nd home..- our plan,insyaAllah - in future..
Skrg ni masih lagi menanggung car loan and house loan kami dgn RHB.