I love breastfeeding!!!
I love breasfeeding….wahhhh.ni bukan nk promote..just wanna share how happy I am 4 breastfeed my son 4 almost 8 months – 19 jun ni baru masuk 8 bln- a week before,hati mula risau..dia belum mahu botol..
Mcm2 la dugaan nak ajar dia minum susu ibu ni through bottle..dia menangis,ibunya pn nangis.. tgk.mcm2 putting guna.tapi dia tak mau..so sad.. macam mana tiba-tiba 3 hari sebelum mula kerja, dia pandai guna botol.lega hati amat sgt..thank god..
And now, still breastfeed him, hari2 pump di office using my Medela Harmony Breast Pump..before this pernah guna pureen manual pump.. I prefer by using manual pump, i also wanna try electrical too, but manual is fine rite now..
Sekarang dia dah mula makan solid food.seronok tengok dia makan.. baba & ibu sayang Muhammad Adam Israfil..
madela harmony breastpump

Mcm2 la dugaan nak ajar dia minum susu ibu ni through bottle..dia menangis,ibunya pn nangis.. tgk.mcm2 putting guna.tapi dia tak mau..so sad.. macam mana tiba-tiba 3 hari sebelum mula kerja, dia pandai guna botol.lega hati amat sgt..thank god..
And now, still breastfeed him, hari2 pump di office using my Medela Harmony Breast Pump..before this pernah guna pureen manual pump.. I prefer by using manual pump, i also wanna try electrical too, but manual is fine rite now..
Sekarang dia dah mula makan solid food.seronok tengok dia makan.. baba & ibu sayang Muhammad Adam Israfil..

manual pureen breastpump