Today our son turns 7 months old! .

God, has blessed us.
Today our son turns 7 months old and the alternative makes me realize that I can do this. Even though there will be many tears through out this, many angry days, sad ones and joyful ones. I do believe that God has a plan for us and for our son and as we wait to learn what that plan is, I am finding a patience I have never, ever known. I am learning what is really important in life. I am forever changed by this beautiful boy God has given me. I know my husband is as well, - though he is not here rite now- …
Actually, I am pretty sure a lot of people are changed by him. I do know that is part of his purpose here on Earth. He is seven months old today. Me, how our lives have changed in seven month. There is a beauty in all of this that comes with seeing just how precious life really is. When I see him smile, I see beauty...
Happy Seven Months To My Dearest Son.! ibu dan baba will be there every step of the way.