
Showing posts from June, 2010


2 minggu ni suka makan..kunyah-kunyah... huh..baru rasanya nak kurangkan berat badan susah betul nak dapat berat macam dulu--dulu nya 43kg..skrg 44.. sekarang ni susah la..asik nak nguyah je. Dah la nak pegi holiday ni..sure baju akan sendat.. abg tlggg.

our holiday..

3 days more to our sweet holiday. dah lama planning nak pg bercuti,but since Baba israfil sibuk kami tangguh dulu.. Plan nak ke Pulau Perhentian ni lama dah, last year kami nak join kawan-kawan Baba israfil, tapi memandangkan i tengah pregnant kepada Adam Israfil, kami lupa kan dulu.. dan sekarang mereka masih lg ke tempat yang sama, we decided to join the trip,also our 2nd honeymoon. Once my Adam Israfil starts rolling, crawling, and moving around independently, the travel challenge begins!!! He will be unfamiliar with the concept of travelling and so i need to provide lots of cuddles, keep him close to me & remember to take some familiar toys. FEEDING HIM ???.. Adam israfil dah mula solid food..Am i have to bring blender & rice cooker..kelakar la..boleh ke dengan naik bot nanti.. Once my adam israfil has started weaning, preparing fresh food for him while on holiday is not easy lah.. ibu pening la...the most difficult challenges prior to going on holiday is deciding what item...


i've been through so many things .. a child once, a teenager ,a woman , a wife and a mother. baby kepada En. Zainudin & Pn. Noor Aini as a teenager..huh, got piercing here and there..including my nose..huhu as a woman.. sudah jadi gadi ayu..ayu ke? tengah dating dengan My husband ni. A wife to en. syafiq.. my happy family..

Mulut jahat



Alhamdulillah..hari ni murah rezeki betul.. Biasanya memang jarang lunch, entah cemana hari ni perut lapar.,turun makan dalam pukul 3..Masuk pintu café kami yang cantik ,dah jadi 5 star -,Ternampak Dato' Badaruddin Amiruldin, Pengerusi kami.saya pun jalan tunduk..Ye la time lunch dah lepas.. Ambil pinggan yg agak berat..Adoi..betol-betol ala-ala hotel cafe kami..Lauk pulak banyak, ayam yang dimasak pelbagai..Ambil nasi ½,Lauk ayam sambal,tempe goreng,hati ayam,sayur kangkung..Mau tak RM6 ni.. Sampai kat kaunter ke Dato’ kata, “tak pa,tak pa, jangan bayaq”..cakap Dato’dalam loghat Kedah,,Memang Dato’ orang Kedah.. Saya apa lagi,tercengang la. Tgk muka sy yang seposen ni, Dato kata “ Tak pa,hari ni saya buat kenduri, staf FAMA saya blanja “.. huh..saya pun apa lagi dengan muka skema la kata “Terima kasih Dato” Makan dengan sopan.. Nak keluar café pulak, Kak Pah café pulak bagi makan bun yang dorang tengah test rasanya..Katanya untuk dijual harian @ untuk pesanan time meeting sahaja.....


1 fine friday morning...hope everything would be ok for this whole day.. LOL... As usual, tomorrow is my duty to clean up en.syafiq's aquarium.. - abg kena bg upah tau - wash all cloths that i wear for week days ..AND...KEMAS RUMAH..


Lama betul tak ikut baba israfil pg memancing. Last dulu masa mula-mula kawin..dan atas kesibukkan baba israfil outstation, tergendala la hobi itu juga kam ijug a terpaksa lupakan seketika bila tengah pregnant to adam israfil .- huh..rindu kat anak ibu ni la - Terjebak dengan keseronokkan ni dari baba israfil juga. Mula-mula saja teman,lama-lama best pulak – memang sejak dari belum kawin dlu selalu mengekor pn Mungkin tunggu adam isr afil besar sikit, sebab nak ajak dia perg i..baba dia pula kata nak ajar dia memancing.


I was about to updating my blog,and Lagu M.I.A by Avenged Sevenfold appear…rindu sgt dekat iffah,miza,jas.wan,shahril..esp,dekat A triple 3.. kami pasang lagu ni dekat hostel..sampai 1 hari ‘Petir’ – warden kami dan juga lecturer kelas akaun kami naik atas ,..sebab ponteng kelas..huh. . Where’d you go.i miss you soo.. And teringat kisah ‘Mickey’.. Knapa masa betul-betul pantas..miss them so much…dah nk masuk 4 tahun semua ni berlalu..

9 hari lagi

huh.. I CAN'T WAIT>>. 9 days more 2 our 2nd honeymoon,

saya sangat rajin

2 minggu kebelakangan ni saya sangat rajin overtime... sebab??? 1. Baki cuti saya cuma 10 hari . 2. Untuk nak simpan untuk raya 3. Untuk hal-hal kecemasan..Kadang-kadang saya ter EL.. - biasa la bila ada anak kecik.. 4. Saya ada 5 jam lagi nak dapat kan 2 hari claim cuti. 5. Kerja-kerja masih banyak tertangguh,terutama bila staf FAMA dah bertambah. 6. DAN yang utama..en. syafiq tak ada.. - bila adanya en.syafiq, syg nak pg mana..

Ibu rindu anak ibu..

Macam biasa, tiap hari, time lunch ibu mesti balik rumah tokma, jumpa adam israfil ibu ni..Tapi hari ni ibu tak dapat balik lunch. Rindu la dekat anak ibu ibu ni.. Tak sabar rasanya nak tunggu time balik, nak jumpa anak ibu.

rumah k syurga ku

Alhamdulillah..Mula2 inginku panjat kn kesyukuran,akhirnya kami telah memiliki rumah kami sendiri..Biarpun kecik, tapi cukuplah lengkap untuk kami bertiga – lepas ni berempat-hehehhe… Huh..penat + malas nak keje hari nni..tapi memandangkan cuti tu memang nak kumpul untuk raya , utk holiday nanti juga untuk hal-hal kecemasan,terpaksa la keje jugak. Penat & sakit2 badan terasa lagi.. ni belum nak cat lagi.punca nya en. syafiq masih di Terengganu lg..jadi tanguh dulu… Rasanya kena isytihar la harta dekat HRMIS..30 Jun ni last..Kalau tak kena tindakan tatatertib kot.. nak stop kot…nanti-nanti gambar sebelum & selepas gambar rumah kami akan di upload….belum kumpul lagi. .

my XL Lipstick..


masa itu emas

I missed a lot of movie, since my husband out for time for movie....means that from Jan-Jun - sampai hari ni - ,..So if he came back from o/station, - within 2 or 3 days or a week - we prefer just stay at home...rather than hangout..masa itu emas..We do go somewhere sometimes, but never takes much time..coz, stay at home is better and only spend our time together esp with our adam israfil.. HOME SWEET HOME.. huh.. I would ask some favor,..abg nanti kita tgk movie baru ya..vcd pn ok sebab banyak dah lepas..pirates pn tak from internet also should be fine..i don't mind... I will attach some of movie that quite interesting - w hich i already missed - ..this attachment can be as a reminder and also be a FAVOR.. here it is.. Prince Of Persia Lagenda Budak Setan ( pernah baca novel ni masa form 1 dulu ) Shrek Forever And After * Sex And The City 2 Toy Story 2 The Karate Kid..

saham akhirat

Saham akhirat..kata-kata yg terucap dari seorang kwn semalam.. terlintas lagi dalam ingat.. Bila renung kembali, aku juga belum cukup buat kebaikan..Mungkin ada,tapi masih lg belum cukup untuk menambah saham itu... jarak umur,bukanlah penghalang untuk mereka memberi tunjuk ajar pada kita.Ia juga satu ingatan pada kita,yang kadang-kadang kita alpa kepada hal-hal dunia..Kadang-kadang kita juga senang hati pada keadaan yang baik,tidak teringat pada hari mendatang.

aku rindu sama dia..

I wish that I could hold him now... I wish that I could touch him now.. . Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle... rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.I miss the talks we used to have, I miss the voice I used to hear... I miss hearing cool stories, and above all these... I just miss him!... I'm missing you too much! Sometimes I miss you so much, I just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you! What I have with him is worth it. It is worth every lonely night, every tear I cry from missing him, and the pain I feel from not having him close. It is worth it because he is my one. No matter how painful distance can be, not having him in my life would be worse. When I miss you, sometimes I look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you. Looking at our adam israfil makes me feel better...Totally likes his father..the way his smile...i really love both.. No ...

my little secret

They ask, what I always bring to office,” What is inside your beg?”look so many things”..,… I wanna share what is secret behind all those things. This is my coldbox..actually,not really big. Which i store my breast milk at office,.. I use in a coldbox with refreezable ice packs ( MLO reusable icepacks) to store my breastmilk. so,when I reach home, just put them to fridge.This way, I can can keep my expressed milk in my own private cooler, rather than the office fridge. This is my icepacks, from MLO..Keeps my breast milk chilled for more than 12 hours. SOOO. this is the result... for my adam israfil Breastfeeding and working isn't easy for the mother who goes back to work and wants to continue breastfeeding. To maintain a good milk supply, I have to pump frequently.It should be possible for me to take time to pump my breast milk..

The Original Cuppycake Video

baby room

Adakah kita rasa ada anak yang masih bayi menyukarkan pergerakan kita.Nak bg susu, esp for breasfeeding mommies,nak tukar diapers la.. BUT, for me not …Actually based on my 1st experience , we went to shopping mall, and I found it’s hard for me to bring my adam isafil…how to feed him?how to change his diapers…by that time I don’t even know that our shopping mall got baby room – before this ni tak pernah ambil tahu – Satu hari tu, shopping barang baby @ Jaya Jusco Kepong, macam mana boleh noticed yang JJ Kepong ada baby room ..- thanks to Jaya Jusco -… ..comfortable… You can find baby rooms for feeding - nursing rooms is very private - and diaper changing station.The baby room equipped with water boiler and the nursing rooms is very private.. Then, I started searching baby room at any shopping complex.. Selayang Mall located at 1st Floor at Parkson next to Pureen counter. baby care rooms for feeding and diaper changing equipped with water boiler, baby mattresses, foamed sheets ...