our holiday..

3 days more to our sweet holiday.
dah lama planning nak pg bercuti,but since Baba israfil sibuk kami tangguh dulu..
Plan nak ke Pulau Perhentian ni lama dah, last year kami nak join kawan-kawan Baba israfil, tapi memandangkan i tengah pregnant kepada Adam Israfil, kami lupa kan dulu..
dan sekarang mereka masih lg ke tempat yang sama, we decided to join the trip,also our 2nd honeymoon.

Once my Adam Israfil starts rolling, crawling, and moving around independently, the travel challenge begins!!! He will be unfamiliar with the concept of travelling and so i need to provide lots of cuddles, keep him close to me & remember to take some familiar toys.


Adam israfil dah mula solid food..Am i have to bring blender & rice cooker..kelakar la..boleh ke dengan naik bot nanti.. Once my adam israfil has started weaning, preparing fresh food for him while on holiday is not easy lah..

ibu pening la...the most difficult challenges prior to going on holiday is deciding what items to bring. Babies do require a lot of "stuff" and even with the essentials...